Company C’s Favorite Bright Rug Combos

Company C’s Favorite Bright Rug Combos

Warm Brights Our ever-popular Landscape or Soledad rugs in warmer bright tones pair boldly with Brushstroke and Gemstones multis. For less pattern, pair Crackle grass or peacock for textured color. For performance without sacrificing style, our Cabana Stripe and Talavera rug tick all boxes. Cool Brights Best-selling Galleria rug is the perfect centerpiece for a [...]

Tips for coordinating rug designs: part 1

Tips for coordinating rug designs: part 1

Pattern Mixing Two classic pattern mixing practices are to coordinate prints & stripes and prints & textured solids. Choose colors from your pattern that are also in the stripes or textures for a cohesive combo. To pair with our best-selling Acacia rug, we recommend subtly-textured Sampler Stripe or, for a brighter coordinate, bold Gemstones. Easy [...]

Dream in Full Color

In early 2014, we asked Company C fans to choose any room in their home and show us how color inspires them by creating and sharing a complete makeover board on Pinterest. The boards had to include @CompanyC on each pin and use the hashtag #DreamInColor. In March, we selected one winner to receive a [...]